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package com.zj.tickets; public enum Destation { BEIJING , SHANGHAI , TIANJING } |
package com.zj.tickets; public class Ticket { private final int original ; private int current ; private final Destation destation ; public Ticket( int nums, Destation where) { current = original = nums; destation = where; } public int degress() { return -- current ; } public int original() { return original ; } public boolean soldout() { return current <= 0; } public Destation getDestation() { return destation ; } public int getCurrent() { return current ; } } |
package com.zj.tickets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class BookingOffice implements Runnable { private static Map<Destation, Ticket> tickets = new HashMap<Destation, Ticket>(); private Map<Destation, Integer> records ; private static List<BookingOffice> offices = new ArrayList<BookingOffice>(); private int ticketsSold = 0; private final int id ; // now today's tickets for sell: static { tickets .put(Destation. BEIJING , new Ticket(5, Destation. BEIJING )); tickets .put(Destation. SHANGHAI , new Ticket(5, Destation. SHANGHAI )); tickets .put(Destation. TIANJING , new Ticket(5, Destation. TIANJING )); } public BookingOffice( int id) { this . id = id; offices .add( this ); resetRecords(); } private void resetRecords() { records = new HashMap<Destation, Integer>(); } private void addRecords(Destation d) { Integer freq = records .get(d); records .put(d, freq == null ? 1 : freq + 1); } public void run() { int transaction = 5; while (transaction-- > 0) { // simulate a customer's coming: Destation d = Destation.values()[ new Random().nextInt(Destation .values(). length )]; print( this + "i want a ticket for " + d); // simulate the officer's checking: try { TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // simulate the transaction: Ticket wanted = tickets .get(d); synchronized ( wanted ) { if (!wanted.soldout()) { print( this + "sold a ticket for " + d); wanted.degress(); addRecords(d); ++ ticketsSold ; print( this + "" + d + " tickets still have " + wanted.getCurrent()); } else print( this + "tickets for " + d + " have been sold out." ); } } print( this + "closed" ); print( this + "totally sold tickets:" + ticketsSold + ",sell records:" + records ); } public synchronized int getValue() { return ticketsSold ; } public String toString() { return "<Officce-" + id + ">" ; } static void print(String s) { System. out .println(s); } } |
package com.zj.tickets; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class Sell { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++) exec.execute( new BookingOffice(i)); exec.shutdown(); } } |